Tuesday, June 07, 2005


I've been trying to figure out what to write about Giles today as he's been all over the news. Five and a half years ago I received a call from a mate early one morning to tell me that he'd been murdered. Giles was a sweet guy who would never have hurt a fly and was fast turning into an excellent businessman and a leader of the community. Killed by a small time crook for knowing what the right thing to do was.

At the time, everyone spoke about what a great sense of humour he had. Truth is, he had a crap sense of humour and couldn't tell a joke if you paid him. He liked a laugh though - Jolly Van Colle was how he was known to his mates.

His parents, Corinne and Irwin, two lovely people who had their son taken from them, are now suing the police for not taking threats made to Giles seriously which is why the whole horrific incident is back in the news. I wish them the best of luck - had a better job been done, he'd have been leading the dancing at our wedding rather than my having to mention him as a person who we were missing in my speech.

Jolly was a thoroughly good bloke - never the person at the centre of things but always there, solid on the side lines. Thinking of you today mate...



Anonymous said...

Thank you for this.
May his memory be blessed.

Anonymous said...

Yehi Zichro Baruch,