Sunday, July 05, 2009

Leaving friends behind

Friday night was a memorable one. I have been suggesting for a while that rather than spending all day cooking we should be having "bistro style" meals - simple and hearty with like minded friends, possibly with shared preparation.

The holiday weekend provided a perfect opportunity to try this out with a Bar B Q theme and an invite to one of our favourite couples with another of our favourites also on the guest list.

We arrived early on Friday with a 6 pack of Sam Adams and a marinated London Broil (basically a big steak - in London it's called something totally different). I took out the meat and made sure the grill man had a beer. Being a gentleman I didn't let him drink alone. Boneless chicken thighs (definitely the best for grilling) were already cooking and as the meat went on, so too did some thick slices of seasoned red peppers.

A couple of flips later and we were ready to roll. The menfolk went to shul, womenfolk discussed their knitting and the monkey played with their little lady (got a goodnight kiss out of the evening, we already like the parents.....)

The addition of an excellent green salad and some oven roasted potato and some sweetcorn finished the menu in style. A bottle of red, some beers and a 15 year old Balvenie graced the table.

We talked, laughed and ate our fill in a casual meal that continued until late. As Shabbat meals go it's up high on the list. Even the monkey transferred comfortably.

Although I've missed our friends at home, we've been blessed to land up in a community with plenty of like minded people and have made some amazing friendships. We'll miss them but look forward to hosting them in the years to come.


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