Tuesday, April 19, 2005

A glimpse of things to come....

My wife has been babysitting for a wonderful family for some time now - they have 4 girls aged 3 - 12 1/2 and although I know that they're all delightful, I was a little apprehensive when I agreed that as their parents would not be getting back from a wedding until 3 a.m. that they should stay by us rather than my wife going to them.

In the end we ended up looking after the 3 youngest. The little one took a shine to me straight away and spent much of her time checking up on me. The older two (7 and 8) were happy with a decent choice of video.

At bed time they all went to sleep without complaint, the littlest ending up with her head at the bottom end of the mattress - very cute. Despite our worries about them being in a strange place they all slept through the night, and woke us the next morning by jumping on the bed and demanding morning hugs.

In order for us to get to the same stage, we'll have to brave sleepless nights, nappy changes, dashes to the doctor and hospital, countless emergencies and all manner of other hassles. If we have kids who turn out half as well behaved and anywhere near as cute as our guests for the night I'll consider ourselves to be extremely lucky!



Unknown said...

So why should it be different for you? Remember, in bringing up children as well as in life, there is no gain without a little pain. Anyway, were both you and brother of Gilly equally cute when young?

Gilly said...

We were both angels! Actually my mother claims that there would have been more Gillys had my bro not been such a tough baby.