Friday, September 03, 2004

Blog Con

The Israel Bloggers' get together was a great success, finally allowing the majority of us to put faces to those whose lives we read about, often on a daily basis.

I was able to surprise one person in particular with whom I had spoken on a number of occasions in my day time capacity, but who had no way of making the connection with my blogging alter ego. The majority of people were much as I expected them to be and everyone was charming - a friendly bunch of very normal people who happen to have a flair for the written word.

I was intrigued to hear and subsequently read the different impressions that others had of me. David at Treppenwitz was particularly interesting in this respect and I had to laugh at Imshin's description.

Many thanks to Adrian of Neither here nor there for posting a list of attendees - as I've just updated my template and lost some of my links in the process, I will be trawling through and making sure to restore them with your assistance!


1 comment:

Esther Kustanowitz said...

Sounds like it was a fun time for y'all. I've been to three blogger parties here in New York, and each one's been better than the previous one. Really interesting to meet the faces/people behind the words. Thanks for commenting on my blog!